~** Bile ms plop aku bela ayam nih??hantam saja labu sbb aku mmg suke2 jek kasi tajok xb'ketan..(mahap sume)
Mahukah anda tahu apa yg berlaku pd aku arini??klu xnk sila blah dr cni...(aku xhalau tau)kih3..sbb klu korunk xnk bc msT korunk xbc ape aku tulih skang ni..-->>dia bwat dh..ngaaa~**
Alhamdulillah..den baru yo selesai melalui temu ramah (bak kt ceema) koje ngn a few of KPJ hospitals (aku rs aku g 1 spital jek td..hahahaha)..Thanx to incik mairizan selaku hal ehwal murid ygberkaki lebar b'kaliber krn sms aku pd ari rabu..mmg t'bayek!!klu ada xgtau msT aku tgh sebokk m'uli2 tepong kt dapor..(tq ada..I lap U!!)len kali incik boley sms sy ari jumaat kol 9am d mane ari interbiu t'sebot b'langsong..naseb bek laaa aku ni ade semangat cinta kn kolej (pfftt,cross finger)..blk as early as 11th Nov..d bwat nye aku blk 12th Nov??mmg melopeh laa den...
First time pg interbiu dgn prep last min..smpai2 jek kolej kami b'tungkus lumus m'adakn resume ..yg jelas skali gmba ku d c2 sgt sempoi krn m'crop saje gmba raye...ngaaa~** bebel mak aku...jnji ade rope aku sudah..siap b'latar blakang flora n fauna..sape soh last min gtau...sepantas kilat pg print smpai t'abai perot yg d biarkn 0 seharian...m'jerit2 (pndai pulak die jerit) perot aku..baby kt dlm mntak mkn...korunk ingt aku kejam sgt ke biar baby aku kelaparan???aku jamu die nc grg ikn masin dgn sup sayor tauuu..(sup sayor ade aym ngn dgg ke??sengal punye tkg msk!!) sudahnye t'kebil2 aku nk abehkn nc grg yg maha bnyk t'sebot dan telah b'jaya menyakitkn diri sndiri!!aku telah menido kn diri hanya untok sketika...(t'bayek laaa)
Lalu pg itu t'pakse m'garik kn celak d mate n sdeket lip gloss supaya xnmpak cm jerangkung xcukop tido...huaaaaaa!!
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim....tawakal tu a'la Allah..smoga interbiu b'jln lancar n den d trime b'keje...~**doa d kala kaki melangkah keluar dr umah...sbenanye otak kosong xready nk g innterbiu..hehe
Smpai kt tmpat interbiu ku lihaaat biruuuu..(cetts!!aku pon biru..jap aku smbong ayt) dan b'topi = nursing...dlm at aku..**abeh laaaa...msT diorunk jek yg m'nguasai..aku nye monolog dalaman t'ganggu jap bile incik mai dtg kasi briefing (briefing laa sgt!!tipu tol aku)..beliau nk inform yg dlm sume2 spital yg dtg tu KPJ Klang jek yg t'ingin nk interbiu ktorunk..yg len sume nye xsudi...uhuk ~**menangis hati ini..ku juga b'simpati...Layaaaaan laaaa...Klang pon Klang laaaa...
FYI, KPJ Klang is still under construction...aku sndiri pon baru tau KPJ nk bukak spital kt Klang...ahaaks2

~** K.A.M.I

~** M.E.R.E.K.A.
Perkara yg plg aku benci!!!knk2 nurse jd jaga depan pintu..suke2 at..tau laa ramai..dh tu korunk kn ade bnyk lg choice yg len?? FYI (again) the interbiu is done in diz way...suke at ko jek nk pg kt mane2 spital yg ade..tgk xde org jek pg laaa...tp dlm case ktorunk ni..ktorunk t'pakse tggu konter Klang jek...aku dh sumpah seranah mcm2 dh smpai aku dh rs mcm xnk g interbiu sbb skt at ngn knk2 nurse...mane aku xhangin..dh laa xcukop tido!!klu aku tau laaa cm2 jd nye..aku bgn kol 12pm..korunk nk tau kol bape aku g masok interbiu?? kol 4pm!!ye saye..di ulang skali lg!!kol 4pm!!waaaaaarrrgggh!!!aku rs cm nk ngamok kt c2 lalu aku anta sms ngadu kt mak (suke at aku laa nk ngadu ngn mak aku)..Pas2 mak kasi ni kt aku...
~** X pala!depa course lain..sabar2 sket! Tenang laa.nnT nk jwb soalan hati2, jgn dok marah kt org..tu la tnda Allah nk uji kita ! (errrk??t'panah ke qalbu)..bc ayt seribu dinar bnyk2.."
(thanx mak..kkak t'emosi sbb period-->>alasan..hihi)
Mujor laaa KPJ Ampang b'jaye memadamkn kemarahan...sbb ape??HR beliau tnye "ade sesape lg x nk pg Ampang??"..knk2 nurse sume jual mahal xnk pg..terok sgt ke keje kt Ampang??klu boleyh dh lame aku g...ttbe si Judin angkat tgn...uiks??HR itu b'kate "hah,pharmacy..nape x masok interbiu ngn Ampang??".."Klang jek nk interbiu ktorunk..org len xsudi" sedey gile jwb.."Eyh??mn de..Ampang nk pakai 2 org staff pharmacy.." waaaaah2..b'bunge riang at aku..b'sinar2 mate alaa2 manga punye kartun..."Sape yg b'minat??sbb klu Klang dh amek kite xnk amek.."..Penoh semangat kefarmasian aku jwb.."Ktorunk sume b'minat!!!"..t'kujat jap beliau.."Errk??ktorunk nk 2 jek..kamu ni ade 10..hmm tp xpe anta jek resume..kite xyah interbiu..nnT pape kite inform.." Yes!!aku rs cm aku nk wat chicken dance kt c2 jugak...skali lg dgn semangat kefarmasian yg tggi aku hulor resume aku...ngaaaaa~**

~** Tgk laaa knk2 biru b'topi itu..geram saye!!
~**Kekenyangan melantak mee kari mangkok besar kt gerai Nc Aym Kg Jijan tgh ari tu...
Haah mari sambong cite pasal interbiu den dgn KPJ Klang...spt yg d ketahui umum aku masok interbiu kol 4pm..tu pon bkn nye interbiu ngn HR Klang..dgn Sister2 dr Tawakkal..sbb nye ramai sgt nk g Klang smpai org tu xt'mmpu..diorunk mntak tolong ngn sister2 tu..Tawakal jelaaaa..seb bek Sister xhengat aku..sbb nye aku pnah wat kes ngn slh sorunk Sister tu ms praktikal kt Tawakkal...(kes itu adelah d rahsiakn..HAHAHA)
Lets cekidoud wut hapen in the room...
Aku masok lalu mmberi resume dgn sopan santun thp korunk nk muntah klu korunk tgk...kih3
"May I hav a sit??" (bajet sopan gile laaa..mntak izin)
"Yes..please..Hmm where's ur name hah?I cant find in the list..(smbil dok selak2 list nm)Oooh ur result is *.** (sensored sbb sgt malu untok reveal)Mastura plz introduce urself..."
"Ok..I'm..bla blaa..my father...my mother (perlu ke aku type cni??korunk kn dh knal aku)"
"Hmm..why did u choose pharmacy"
"Of course becoz I really luv this field..I alwiz wanted to b a doctor bt since I dont hav the chance I choose Pharmacy.."
"Oooh becoz u cant b a doc u make the pharmacy as ur 2nd choice??"
"Well..it doesnt matter actually,cuz pharmacy is still in the medical line..n it's fine for me.."(poyo t'amat jawapan aku)
" What is ur strength?"
" I can co-operate well with my team-mate n I can also work under stress (ciss!!tipooo..tp btol laaa..hihi)
"U'r from where??oooh Kedah..then why didnt u go to KMC??" (ni laa soklan yg aku plg benci skali..penting sgt ke mane umah aku??)
"Yes I'm from Baling,Kedah bt there's no diff..KMC is still far from my place n i dont mind live far from the hometown..I've use to it" (geram saye)
"Then,what about ur weakness??"
"hmm..i think I'm a lil bit.......(b'pk sejenak n pause..sbenanye aku xjmpe kelemahan aku..HAHAHAHA..btol!!aku dh tnye kwn2 aku b4 aku msk dlm blk tu..diorunk pon xtau..kih3)
(cissss!!kate aku dlm at..mmg laa aku xley nk ilangkn "Aaaaa" aku tu)
"no!! I' a lil bit nervous actually...bt only to whom that I didnt know..I'll get use to him/her after sometimes.." (aku pon xpaham ape aku merepek..ngaaa~**)
"Is there anything u would like to ask?"
"May I know where's KPJ Klang??I mean the exact location.."
" I'm also not so sure bt they said its going to b near the JJ at BB Klang"
"Oooh is it at the old JJ at Bkt Raja or Bkt Tggi??"
" I'm not so sure..they just said at BB Klang" (ttbe HR Klang dtg) n beliau tlah m'jwb soklan den tu.."Its at the old JJ at Bkt raja.."
"Why did ur voice sound like that??" (haah sudah..sore aku cm ziana zain ke??ihik ihik)
" Hmm..blocked nose..I got flu" (blasah jeler!!napekah mereka boley kesan kelainan sore den ni??mmg xley nk napeh pon sbenanye..ttbe aku rs aku de sinusitis..uhuk)
"Oooh u always like that haaa??"
"Haaiiisy,no laaah sister..Now kn the Flu season" (pndai2 aku jek..HAHAHA)
" Its ok then..so is there anything u would like to know?"
" I would like to know..how many staff u would like to hire??" (aku dh xtau nk tanye ape..boleyh laa tu)
" Not very much I think around 5 ppls..anymore question??"
"I think thats all"
"Hmm..can u speak english??" (aik??ape jenis soklan laak ni??spnjg interbiu tu aku ckp bahse hindi ke??conpius kejap..aku ingt dh boleyh blah..ade je lg sister ni)
" I can speak as u heard me..bt I think I need to improve myself" (ececeh..jawapan aku!!)
"Ok..thank you..maintain ur result n gud luck..we'll inform ur college for any updates" (smbil sengeh2..mgkin gelak kn diri sndiri yg b'tnye soklan sengal cm2)
Fuuuh!!!logo den...korunk pon msT suke kn dh abeh dh aku m'carot..hehe
Sbenanye the conversation jez took not more than 5min..t'kejot knk2 yg kt luar aku cepat sgt kuar..padahal bnyk gile soklan...aku rs ktorunk ckp cm Bullet train..tu pasal laa jap je...hehe
Harapnye dpt tau result interbiu secepat mungkin...(bajet cm sok aku dh nk abeh blaja)
p/s :
1) KPJ Klang will b operated on April 2011...
2) Ooooh..cm xcaye I'm going to enter the working life soon..cuaaks!!(gedix!!)
3) Tolong doakan saye ye kwn2!!!thank u...
~** T'jmpe incik mai ms nk mntak form..beliau tnye " Eyh??Mastura..awak dtg interbiu lg??"
"Sume interbiu sy pg cik mai..tp xde 1 pon yg sudi nk sponsor".."Xpe2..adelaa hikmah nye.." "Mmg pon..blom lg rezeki sy..sy yakin rezeki ade d mane2..yg pnting kite usaha"..diam jap beliau..(asal jmpe aku jek tnye bnde yg same..adoooih!!)
Alhamdulillah..den baru yo selesai melalui temu ramah (bak kt ceema) koje ngn a few of KPJ hospitals (aku rs aku g 1 spital jek td..hahahaha)..Thanx to incik mairizan selaku hal ehwal murid yg
First time pg interbiu dgn prep last min..smpai2 jek kolej kami b'tungkus lumus m'adakn resume ..yg jelas skali gmba ku d c2 sgt sempoi krn m'crop saje gmba raye...ngaaa~** bebel mak aku...jnji ade rope aku sudah..siap b'latar blakang flora n fauna..sape soh last min gtau...sepantas kilat pg print smpai t'abai perot yg d biarkn 0 seharian...m'jerit2 (pndai pulak die jerit) perot aku..baby kt dlm mntak mkn...korunk ingt aku kejam sgt ke biar baby aku kelaparan???aku jamu die nc grg ikn masin dgn sup sayor tauuu..(sup sayor ade aym ngn dgg ke??sengal punye tkg msk!!) sudahnye t'kebil2 aku nk abehkn nc grg yg maha bnyk t'sebot dan telah b'jaya menyakitkn diri sndiri!!aku telah menido kn diri hanya untok sketika...(t'bayek laaa)
Lalu pg itu t'pakse m'garik kn celak d mate n sdeket lip gloss supaya xnmpak cm jerangkung xcukop tido...huaaaaaa!!
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim....tawakal tu a'la Allah..smoga interbiu b'jln lancar n den d trime b'keje...~**doa d kala kaki melangkah keluar dr umah...sbenanye otak kosong xready nk g innterbiu..hehe
Smpai kt tmpat interbiu ku lihaaat biruuuu..(cetts!!aku pon biru..jap aku smbong ayt) dan b'topi = nursing...dlm at aku..**abeh laaaa...msT diorunk jek yg m'nguasai..aku nye monolog dalaman t'ganggu jap bile incik mai dtg kasi briefing (briefing laa sgt!!tipu tol aku)..beliau nk inform yg dlm sume2 spital yg dtg tu KPJ Klang jek yg t'ingin nk interbiu ktorunk..yg len sume nye xsudi...uhuk ~**menangis hati ini..ku juga b'simpati...Layaaaaan laaaa...Klang pon Klang laaaa...
FYI, KPJ Klang is still under construction...aku sndiri pon baru tau KPJ nk bukak spital kt Klang...ahaaks2
~** K.A.M.I
~** M.E.R.E.K.A.
Perkara yg plg aku benci!!!knk2 nurse jd jaga depan pintu..suke2 at..tau laa ramai..dh tu korunk kn ade bnyk lg choice yg len?? FYI (again) the interbiu is done in diz way...suke at ko jek nk pg kt mane2 spital yg ade..tgk xde org jek pg laaa...tp dlm case ktorunk ni..ktorunk t'pakse tggu konter Klang jek...aku dh sumpah seranah mcm2 dh smpai aku dh rs mcm xnk g interbiu sbb skt at ngn knk2 nurse...mane aku xhangin..dh laa xcukop tido!!klu aku tau laaa cm2 jd nye..aku bgn kol 12pm..korunk nk tau kol bape aku g masok interbiu?? kol 4pm!!ye saye..di ulang skali lg!!kol 4pm!!waaaaaarrrgggh!!!aku rs cm nk ngamok kt c2 lalu aku anta sms ngadu kt mak (suke at aku laa nk ngadu ngn mak aku)..Pas2 mak kasi ni kt aku...
~** X pala!depa course lain..sabar2 sket! Tenang laa.nnT nk jwb soalan hati2, jgn dok marah kt org..tu la tnda Allah nk uji kita ! (errrk??t'panah ke qalbu)..bc ayt seribu dinar bnyk2.."
(thanx mak..kkak t'emosi sbb period-->>alasan..hihi)
Mujor laaa KPJ Ampang b'jaye memadamkn kemarahan...sbb ape??HR beliau tnye "ade sesape lg x nk pg Ampang??"..knk2 nurse sume jual mahal xnk pg..terok sgt ke keje kt Ampang??klu boleyh dh lame aku g...ttbe si Judin angkat tgn...uiks??HR itu b'kate "hah,pharmacy..nape x masok interbiu ngn Ampang??".."Klang jek nk interbiu ktorunk..org len xsudi" sedey gile jwb.."Eyh??mn de..Ampang nk pakai 2 org staff pharmacy.." waaaaah2..b'bunge riang at aku..b'sinar2 mate alaa2 manga punye kartun..."Sape yg b'minat??sbb klu Klang dh amek kite xnk amek.."..Penoh semangat kefarmasian aku jwb.."Ktorunk sume b'minat!!!"..t'kujat jap beliau.."Errk??ktorunk nk 2 jek..kamu ni ade 10..hmm tp xpe anta jek resume..kite xyah interbiu..nnT pape kite inform.." Yes!!aku rs cm aku nk wat chicken dance kt c2 jugak...skali lg dgn semangat kefarmasian yg tggi aku hulor resume aku...ngaaaaa~**
~** Tgk laaa knk2 biru b'topi itu..geram saye!!
~**Kekenyangan melantak mee kari mangkok besar kt gerai Nc Aym Kg Jijan tgh ari tu...
Haah mari sambong cite pasal interbiu den dgn KPJ Klang...spt yg d ketahui umum aku masok interbiu kol 4pm..tu pon bkn nye interbiu ngn HR Klang..dgn Sister2 dr Tawakkal..sbb nye ramai sgt nk g Klang smpai org tu xt'mmpu..diorunk mntak tolong ngn sister2 tu..Tawakal jelaaaa..seb bek Sister xhengat aku..sbb nye aku pnah wat kes ngn slh sorunk Sister tu ms praktikal kt Tawakkal...(kes itu adelah d rahsiakn..HAHAHA)
Lets cekidoud wut hapen in the room...
Aku masok lalu mmberi resume dgn sopan santun thp korunk nk muntah klu korunk tgk...kih3
"May I hav a sit??" (bajet sopan gile laaa..mntak izin)
"Yes..please..Hmm where's ur name hah?I cant find in the list..(smbil dok selak2 list nm)Oooh ur result is *.** (sensored sbb sgt malu untok reveal)Mastura plz introduce urself..."
"Ok..I'm..bla blaa..my father...my mother (perlu ke aku type cni??korunk kn dh knal aku)"
"Hmm..why did u choose pharmacy"
"Of course becoz I really luv this field..I alwiz wanted to b a doctor bt since I dont hav the chance I choose Pharmacy.."
"Oooh becoz u cant b a doc u make the pharmacy as ur 2nd choice??"
"Well..it doesnt matter actually,cuz pharmacy is still in the medical line..n it's fine for me.."(poyo t'amat jawapan aku)
" What is ur strength?"
" I can co-operate well with my team-mate n I can also work under stress (ciss!!tipooo..tp btol laaa..hihi)
"U'r from where??oooh Kedah..then why didnt u go to KMC??" (ni laa soklan yg aku plg benci skali..penting sgt ke mane umah aku??)
"Yes I'm from Baling,Kedah bt there's no diff..KMC is still far from my place n i dont mind live far from the hometown..I've use to it" (geram saye)
"Then,what about ur weakness??"
"hmm..i think I'm a lil bit.......(b'pk sejenak n pause..sbenanye aku xjmpe kelemahan aku..HAHAHAHA..btol!!aku dh tnye kwn2 aku b4 aku msk dlm blk tu..diorunk pon xtau..kih3)
(cissss!!kate aku dlm at..mmg laa aku xley nk ilangkn "Aaaaa" aku tu)
"no!! I' a lil bit nervous actually...bt only to whom that I didnt know..I'll get use to him/her after sometimes.." (aku pon xpaham ape aku merepek..ngaaa~**)
"Is there anything u would like to ask?"
"May I know where's KPJ Klang??I mean the exact location.."
" I'm also not so sure bt they said its going to b near the JJ at BB Klang"
"Oooh is it at the old JJ at Bkt Raja or Bkt Tggi??"
" I'm not so sure..they just said at BB Klang" (ttbe HR Klang dtg) n beliau tlah m'jwb soklan den tu.."Its at the old JJ at Bkt raja.."
"Why did ur voice sound like that??" (haah sudah..sore aku cm ziana zain ke??ihik ihik)
" Hmm..blocked nose..I got flu" (blasah jeler!!napekah mereka boley kesan kelainan sore den ni??mmg xley nk napeh pon sbenanye..ttbe aku rs aku de sinusitis..uhuk)
"Oooh u always like that haaa??"
"Haaiiisy,no laaah sister..Now kn the Flu season" (pndai2 aku jek..HAHAHA)
" Its ok then..so is there anything u would like to know?"
" I would like to know..how many staff u would like to hire??" (aku dh xtau nk tanye ape..boleyh laa tu)
" Not very much I think around 5 ppls..anymore question??"
"I think thats all"
"Hmm..can u speak english??" (aik??ape jenis soklan laak ni??spnjg interbiu tu aku ckp bahse hindi ke??conpius kejap..aku ingt dh boleyh blah..ade je lg sister ni)
" I can speak as u heard me..bt I think I need to improve myself" (ececeh..jawapan aku!!)
"Ok..thank you..maintain ur result n gud luck..we'll inform ur college for any updates" (smbil sengeh2..mgkin gelak kn diri sndiri yg b'tnye soklan sengal cm2)
Fuuuh!!!logo den...korunk pon msT suke kn dh abeh dh aku m'carot..hehe
Sbenanye the conversation jez took not more than 5min..t'kejot knk2 yg kt luar aku cepat sgt kuar..padahal bnyk gile soklan...aku rs ktorunk ckp cm Bullet train..tu pasal laa jap je...hehe
Harapnye dpt tau result interbiu secepat mungkin...(bajet cm sok aku dh nk abeh blaja)
p/s :
1) KPJ Klang will b operated on April 2011...
2) Ooooh..cm xcaye I'm going to enter the working life soon..cuaaks!!(gedix!!)
3) Tolong doakan saye ye kwn2!!!thank u...
~** T'jmpe incik mai ms nk mntak form..beliau tnye " Eyh??Mastura..awak dtg interbiu lg??"
"Sume interbiu sy pg cik mai..tp xde 1 pon yg sudi nk sponsor".."Xpe2..adelaa hikmah nye.." "Mmg pon..blom lg rezeki sy..sy yakin rezeki ade d mane2..yg pnting kite usaha"..diam jap beliau..(asal jmpe aku jek tnye bnde yg same..adoooih!!)
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