
Showing posts with label Fesyen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fesyen. Show all posts

Thursday, June 16, 2011

.:: The CLosET sTory ::.

Hallu guyz....
wutcha doing today??
Me??very usual house chores...(almaklum laa suriumah spenoh ms)

Yesterday I unpacked my luggage after 2 months of leaving KPJIC...hihi
No no No(u said I'm lazy bum??)...its bcoz I dont have place to put ol d things laaa (alasan)
After abh bought the thing (wuteva) then mom keep forcing me to arrange the clothes...
she even called n texted me from school to remind...
C how concern she is??hoho...
Since nexweek mayb there's going to b a family gathering held at our me too forcing myself to emptied the luggage...
It was very tiring n even takes the whole day to finish (ok I lie...pfffttttt)
Lisa asked me whether I've found any treasure inside....
Unfortunately, NO!!!bt wut had I've found is............

I actually have a lots n lots lots lots n lots of shirts n jeans.....a few of dresses n blouses....(.::dush!!::.slap myself)

~** mind u..diz is only a few of them (waawaaa)

Usually, I alwiz wore the same shirts n jeans when I go out...n I think ppl wud said "Eyh.mcm pnah tgk laaa bju ni"(hadewhakukesah??)
N my housemate will kept threatening to cut my jeans if i wore it out again.....(do I eva listen??) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I luv to wear sumting that offer comfort regardless it is a koyak2 jeans (Rock babe!!)..hehe

~** a stack of jeans....(when did I bought them??)^_^

Being motivated by that, I've jotted down a list of clothes dat I need to shop letter...Listed according to color n decided to have ol the LUNA's color....HAHAHAHA
seriously I'm going to be broke later...

p/s :-

1) Slap myself coz I didnt even have a penny to buy a sweet....uwaaaaaaaa

2) Or I could make a sale to clear the wardrobe....hoho

Monday, November 29, 2010

.:: PeNanTiaN MmG mnYesaK kn ::.

Yup!!that's rite...
Penantian mmg mnyeksakan menyesak kn...
Oooh nda pape yg aku nnT kn...
Bkn laaa prince charming yg mngunggang unicorn (errk??)
hnya skadar propa yg aku cipta kn...
(selenge tol tora)

Jom tgk...ape yg d propa kn tu???


~** Puff t-shirt...hehe

~** Gmbaran keseluruhan..mmg tidak laaa aku jd model nye...

Penantian selama 2 -3 ari kini t'lerai(btol ke pnggunaan aku??) sudah...
Baju yg d nnT2 tibe..
Thanx to Chanteknya Collection...^_^
Ni merupakan kegilaan t'baru aku...
shopping online!!hoho...

Ape kate aku share sket advantages n disadvantages die...(konon2 nk post entry b'manfaat..hoho)


1) Dimana saja anda berada (No matter where or wut) ^_^
Oley kerana aku t'sadai d utan sawit yg jauh dr donia luar...
Ni laaaa slh satu cara shopping window shopping t'bayek..(alasan ko tora)

2) Bila2 masa sahaja (Through days or nite)
Xpayah ssh2 nk kejar2 ms pas klas (klas abeh kol 6pm)..on jek sana click sini...juge xperlu nk jln b'jam2..masok kedai itu..butik ini (tp hape pon xbeli)..penat ke b'mls2 ats katil jek??+ kol bape pon xkesah..kedai online xkn ttup..itu aku brani jamin...hehe

3) Xpayah nk jangok2 (cantek ::.kamus klantan)
pakai je baju ape pon korunk nk pakai...xnk pakai pape pon xde sape yg kesah (klu korunk sorunk2 laaa kn dlm bilik) klu nk kuar shopping nk kene pilih baju..pas2 shawl xkene laak ngn baju..tukar len..bile dh iron..bile pakai xjd pulak tudong..tukar tdg len...adehh laaaa!!nk make up bagai...mmbazir2

4) Xmenyusahkn org len...
Yeah..korunk pon xde laa gadoh or tarik muncong 14 (cmne yeak??) ngn abg yunk or honey-bee korunk sbb beliau nk pg DOTA, xley nk teman korunk shopping kt midvalley..kau dudok laa depan laptop ko senyap2 shopping...

5) Right to ur door...
Klu shopping xsah klu x b'beg2..gaye cm nk wat collection paper beg (hobi sape??)..kali ni xpayah laa nk ssh2 je u ols beratkn tgn..kau punye baju or pape jela smpai gedebuk kt umah..timekaseyh incik posmen!!!(berite baek bg jejaka2 yg slalu jd tukang pegang brg2 shopping jejaki2[awek kpd jejaka] msg2)

6) Layen drpd yg Layen..
Brg2 yg d jual online kdg2 ssh nk carik kt kedai2 luar...yeaah!!itu motip utama sy..konon2 xdela jd "Eyh!!baju budak tu mcm baju aku laaa...alaaamak mn nk sorok ni??" (gedix)..n if ur lucky u'r going to bum into very exquisite (proper ke??) things..


Ok..skang kite proceed ke disadvantages nye pulak...

1) Some r quite expensive...(not all)
Haaaa...yg ni korunk kene hati2 sket..jgn sebok nk mmbeli jek..mentang2 laa dh suke..dh xhengat donia kau!!!b4 m'buat sbarang urusan..sila rajin2 kn diri serbey2..bnde yg same tp ade yg jual murah or mahal..(alaa same laa mcm kedai xonline)..klu x gigit jari laaa sbb aku beli RM20 kau beli RM50..yeaa!!bnyk bezanya...some things r worth buying bt some r not..

2) Include or exclude postage fees..
Lg 1 bnde yg korunk kene take note...postage fees..certain2 online shoppers offer free shipping..n ade jugak harga brg nye dh include dgn postage..xpon postage ikot berat brg...nape bnde2 ni penting???sbb nye nnT cost yg korunk kuarkn b'beza..boley jd mahal or boley jd murah...b4 beli tnye btol2 kt org t'sebot..

3) Risky Rusk..(apekah?)
Ade org pnah tnye aku...mcm mane kite nk jamin bnde2 yg kite nk beli tu b'kualiti??mn laa tau ade rosak ke..Bagos skali soklan anda..cube tnye pd owner t'sebot brg2 tu refundable ke x??beli from a trusted person..contoh nye..kwn kpd sepupu punye kawan satu kelas or ex-skulmate korunk punye kwn...sng cite trusted person laaa...hehe (PULUN)

4) Nk pegang2..belek2..try2...
Oh NO NO NO !!! mcm lagu yg tgh pemes skang kate "Boleyh Pandang2...Jgn Pegang2..." mcm tu jugak laa aplikasi nye d cni..nk try mmg Haaraapaan laaa..sejak bile lak d sediakn fitting room online??sbb tu ade yg ckp lg puas pg kedai boley pegang2 belek2..belai2 bnde yg nk d beli tu..siap boley try2 lg..klu xmuat xde la bazir

5) Mengakibatkn pergadohan...
Mcm mane??contoh nya korunk belek2 website tu dgn sorunk lg kwn korunk...yg mn yg korunk b'kenan yg tu jugak laaa yg die b'kenan(tension dpt kwn cmni..hehe)..plak tu bnde yg jual online slalunye sgt limited..bkn nye cm kt kedai b'stock2..Jd, wujud nye p'gadohan d c2 krn yg ni xpuas at sbb yg tu beli ape yg ni nk..isk isk isk..xpatot2..

6) Time concern...
Maksodnye??brg yg d beli nk pakai korunk yg ske wat kejaan last min(ade sape2 terase??)konon2..sok de function..arini baru sebok t'gedik2 nk carik pakaian yg sesuai..klu online shopping jgn harap laa sok nye parcel tu gedebuk takes time ::lol::
Plg cepat 1 ari...bape % jek yg DIJAMIN SMPAI ESOK??!!!

Cukoplaaa kot 6 advantages n disadvantages...
aku konon2 nk tiru Hankelsikers yg bwat 6 post tu (motip xde..alasan semate2)..
Jadi lu pk laaa sndiri (kate Nabil)..
Kuasa pengguna d tgn anda..Jadilah pengguna yg bijak...hehe

Ooooh b4 tu..kene cek duit dlm acc dlu..klu x aku korunk t'pakse mmekak kn telinga d hambor dgn kate2 berupe kejian oley housmate @ rummate aku korunk ...
Especially bile aku korunk m'jerit sekuat2 at tnpa m'iraukn org skeliling sbb stress tgk beg..baju...tdg..kasot yg canteq2 tp xdpt d beli...
Klu kt shopping complex xley wat cm2 kn???ngaaaa~***

p/s :-

1) Harta yg bnyk xboley d bawa mati....(masalah nye bnyk ke harta ko??)

2) Membazir n boros itu sahabat syaiton...(dush::.lempang diri sndiri)