
Sunday, December 19, 2010

.:: tHe ForThNite Stories ::.

Sblom masok mggu baru sok...
I jez want to summarize the whole week punye activities...
xde pe pon yg besh..
skadar nk m'bnyk kn entry bln ni..(bnyk ke??)hoho
ari2 pg spital..blk keje..sok nye pg keje lg...(Boooorrriiing)

Diz week aku melepak keje kt outpatient laak..last week kat discharge kn??
ape je yg aku bwat??
macam biase...prepare ubat laaah...
xkn aku prepare nc goreng/kwe teow kung fu pulak kn??
klu discharge lebey kpd TTA (to take away) medication untok pt yg kuar ward...
Outpatient laks untok pt yg getting treatment from the consultants..
Alaaaaa..kirenye pas jumpe doc..doc kn kasi ubat??
Ubat2 tu laa yg aku prepare...paham skang??xpaham jugak boley p google (ooohoi garang ni!!)

Let me brief u the flow of how we prepare the medication...

Receive Rx (prescription) from the CA (care assistant)
PA/dispenser screen the Rx for discrepancies (cek Rx tu lgkap ke idok..dose yg doc kasi tu btol ke x..ubat available ke x...
Xlengkap??better p conpem blk ngn doc..(kdg2 doc ska merapu)hehe..[peace] --> nilaaaaa yg melambat kn proses korunk dpt ubat kdg2...bile tepon doc xde kt blk..tepon npon..masok voicemail...[bengang tol] bile dh xde probs boley laaa continue...
Key in and print the label..sambil2 tu yg len men treasure hunt carik ubat...ngaaaa~**

~** itu tmpat key in..hehe

~** Ubat yg dh prepare tggu nk d label n double check...

Tampal2 label n other person will do d double check..supaya idok b'laku kesilapan...
p/s :- xsume tmpat practise double check...(aku jwb siap2 b4 korunk kate.."kalu ade double check cmne boley ade yg dpt ubat silap??)..itula bagosnye SSH..mostly tmpat aku g praktikal xde..die laaah key in..die laah prepare..die laaah check..die laah yg dispense...(melampau pulak)
~** manusia xlari dr mmbuat kesilapan
Dh settle sume??puas at??baru pass kt org yg nk dispense...
Then dispense to the pt...Tq--smoga cepat semboh..^_^
Target kami --> Pt receive med within 15min (OP)
TTA not more than 30min

Amacam??puas at skang??so pasni klu korunk dpt ubat lmbt sket jgn laaa complain..sesunggohnye kami sudah cuba t'habis baek untok mmberi perkhidmatan yg efficient...(wakakakaa..wak luuu)..sabaq tu kn separoh dr iman???

Alhamdulillah aku xdelaa m'gagau lg dh nk cari ubat...kire dh master laa letak dudok nye...hebat kn??..(c'mon!!ubat bnyk tuuu bkn sket)
Paling aku xske dpt Rx ubat die pjg b'jela..waaahh!!pinor mate nk bc...paham2 jela tolesan doc yg canteq cakar aym (aym nye cakar pon lg canteq..ihik)
Tolong laaaaaaa...aku merayu sgt2...kpd bakal2 doc d luar sana..(hah!!kamu yg tgh bc ni laaa)..tulis laaaa elok2 sket bile dh qualified nnT..ssh sgt ke??kome kejor mase ke??d sbbkn tulisan yg cm2 lg melambatkn proses + sbbkn medication bkn nye mrh mrh kt org2 farmasi (ktorunk laaa tu)..tolong yeahh??klu x aku antor blk korunk masok tadika..blaja cmne nk menulis..sian cgu tadika..pnat2 ajar..smpai dh jd mnulis xreT...adoiiiyaaaii!!

~** cube teke..ubat ape yg doc prescribe??korunk mmg hebat klu tau!!(saje aku kaborkn..xnk bg nmpak nm pt)-->>mcm nk sekeh doc t'sebot kn??hoho


Last tuesday..kt farmasi ade wat farewell party..slh sorunk staff nk pg further stadi...
diorunk gotong royong msk..kire alaaa2 pot luck laaa..bawak sorunk sket..
ktorunk??ngaaaap saje..hehe

~** Macam2 ada...maakaaan!!

~** Far bukak adiah dgn rakus nye...hehe


Weekend tiiiiimmee!!!
Xde aktiviti yg menarik ktorunk bwat...
ari sabtu perlu keje half day (Oooh perlu ke??huhu)
Tp mlm tu ktorunk dh plan nk pg b'jimba...
B'jimba kt ne??

Aku xtau laaah klu praktikal kt SSH ni mmg xsah laaa klu x pg I-city...(kn dakcik kn??)hihi..^_^
Korunk tau x I-city tu ape?? (mak aku xtau..kih3)-->>penat explain..ngaaa~**
I-city atau pon the city of digital light itu letaknye dkt sek 7..btol2 dkt dgn gate blakang UITM..dkt juge dgn Bkt Raja...
Ape yg besh nye kt c2??
Wooooooh!!korunk akn t'pegun dgn keindahan lampu2 yg b'warna-warni yg b'mcm2 rope n bentok..(bape bnyk bil letrik ni??)
Make sure klu korunk nk pg bawak camera korunk yg canggih manggih tu...
Korunk d kenakan bayaran RM10 untok 1 kete..(dlu singgit jek..skang dh rm10..melampau2)
sgt sonok b'ada d cni..mcm dok kt fantasy world..full of dazzling lights...
kt c2 ade restoran2 yg besh ntok korunk lepak2..melepaskn lelah sbb pnat m'gedik depan cam..kih3
Btol besh(klu korunk ske lmpu2 laa)..aku xtipu...sape2 nk pg ajak aku yeah??tp klu korunk ade migraine yg terok..pas2 sensitif plaak dgn cahaya (photosensitive)..xpayah laa pg..wat nyusah kn org nk b'jimba korunk dok kerut2 muke pas2 sebok nk blk cepat..I-city tutop kol 12am ok??(kirenye ganggu gugat keterujaan org len nk mnikmati keindahan) hehe..^_^
ni ade sket gmba yg aku amek gune phone cikai aku...
nk tgk bnyk2 lg gmba??tggu kwn den upload kt fb gune camera canggih beliau..ehe

~** Along the road..queue b4 enter the park...

~** Santeq x pokok colourful??nmpak x org yg sgt ramai??hehe..=P

~** Inside the White Winter Wonderland...

~** Ape ntah namenye kt cni..xingt sudah...

~** Shomel giraffe itu kn??

~** Bamboo with panda..

Ooooh sudah cukop laaaa aku merepek d c2...
nk pg tido pulaaks..
sok xtau laaa kt ne laak aku kene...
aku blom keje kt inpatient n dispense lg...

p/s :-

1) Yeaaay!!sabtu @ 25/12 cuti...ihik (mcm ko sorunk jek cuT)

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