Since my blog is in hibernation mode for long time...2nite i feel like writing...
(eheem!!eheem!!too much dust in here)
I jez want to share a funny or a touching story i shud say..huhu
I'm now alone in the middle of nite (morning already) everybody has gone to the lala land...leaving me with a wide opening eyes (ainul ckp insomnia..hihi)
I dont plan to write it like a novel so,lets make it short..(cut all the crap tora)..hihi
After maghrib prayer I called mommy...saje suke2..
act asking about the clinical appraisal...I've not receive any of express post from's almost 1 week since abh claimed that he posted the next day after I called home...(pdn muke sape soh t'tggal..hehe)
I was talking with mom...ask about this and that (of course money concern too..kih3)
Mom ask me to pray for Pujah's UPKK (KAFA nye exm) nexweek..(if i'm not mistaken..t'lupe laaa..hihi)...I'm also ask them to pray for my final exm in forthnite to go...n bye2 i luv ended...
Then I was lepaking at dakcik's room..suddenly cma hand over my phone (mommy's calling)..I was wondering...eyh??nape laaak??myb she had told abah...
Me :- Hello assalamua' saye??nape mak??
Mom:- wslm..Ni kkak..mak lupa nk habaq 1 bnda laaa...
Me :- (uih..nerbesnye) apadia???
Mom :- kak..mak xsempat nk ckp td kkak dh ltk phone dh...
Me :- (aik??bila ms??bkn suka sama suka ka ltk phone td??hihi)hoh,yaka??awatnya ni??
Mom :- Ni td...mak soh doa untok pujah jaaaa...kkak tlg doa untok ulan sama bg dpt no 1 dlm ujian nnT naaaa??nh ckp ngn ulan...
Me :- hah??ok2..kkak tlg doa...(pelik!!xdnga suara ulan pon..hnya esak tangis..kih3)
Mom :- Dh ckp kaaaa ngn dia??
Me :- Xdngaq sora pon...skali lg...hehe
Mom :- Hg ckp laaaa!!(sora mak jd latar blakang)dia tgh nanges tu...
Me :- oooh k..Ulan..nnT kkak doa untuk ulan jugak..dpt no 1 dlm exm..ok??doa untok exm kkak jugak tau??
Mom :- Haaaaa...dngaq tu..kkak doa bg dpt no 1...klu dpt no 1 kkak bg adiah kn???
Me :- (uih skali lg!!t'sedak aku..HAHAHA)aa'aaah..klu dpt no 1 kkak bg adiah lg...(remember last time when pujah n ulan got the 1st place in class for exm i gave them story books??)
Mom :- Dh jgn nanges...nnT kkak doa...pasni klu dpt no 1 kkak nk bg apa pulak???
Me:- Mintak ja apa ulan nk...(hah??maT aku..perjanjian ape ni??kih3)
Mom :- Ok kkak...bye..assalamua'laikum
Me :- wslm..bye (ok gelak golek2...knk2 ni mmg sgt kelakar laaaa)
Finally, I realize why my mom's dialog was like that...itu sume ayat,Laaayaaaaaan!!!adoiyaaaai adik2 aku...awat laaaa lawak sgt???tp at the same time very touching....he cried bcoz he thought that i'll only pray for pujah....
Ulan sayaaang...kkak doa untuk suma adik2 kkak..xpnah tggal walau sorunk pon...If only u know my dear...everyday i never forget to pray for everybody...abg,abg cik,mashitah,pujah n ulan..mak n abah also wont b forgotten...
~** Watak utama..Mohammed Syukran aka Ulan
I think the story should b end now...sonok ko b'blog yeah??abaikn esaimen2 ko tu??HAHAHAHA...ok c yaaaa again!!!(hope so..)
p/s :-
1) Doa ku kpd saudara mara,sahabat handai,teman2 rapat,guru2,umat islam seluruh nya...xpnah ade pon yg t'keluar dr list..
2) Mentang2 klas ptg..slumbdog millionaire je ko tdo lmbt ye???hehe
3) Kenang Daku dlm doamu~***